I had them done to me. It is a requirement in the U.S to enter school. Most parents feel it is necessary due to law. It is BIG business with pharmaceutical companies, the medical system and the oil companies. What I am talking about?   VACCINATIONS!!

However, current research has quite a different picture of this massive campaign. A most recent report released by the Institute of Medicine ( IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences, found that in most instances the scientific evidence of safety for vaccinations is so poor that the effects on children is not really known. When the report came out there were a lot of organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics who stated, “They didn’t find causation …so vaccines are safe”.

However that is NOT what the report said at all. It said they don’t know how these vaccines impact children. This is a cause for great concern! “Every physician who gives a vaccine,” says Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center,  “should read this 600 page report, because it is the latest on the science of vaccination. Physicians should take it seriously especially if a patient, adult or child, has a deterioration in health after a vaccine. Instead of “blowing that off” and saying it is just a coincidence, the physician needs to take it seriously and make a report to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(VAERS).”

On the other hand, about 13% of parents are now using “alternative vaccination” schedules.  And 2 % are refusing vaccines altogether for their children. In my personal research, the parents who are taking a stand against their children being given too many vaccines are the ones who have taken the time to become informed and have carefully analyzed and evaluated the risks and benefits for their children.

The medics would have you believe that those who refuse vaccines are ignorant but when you examine the facts, mothers with college educations and higher incomes are actually LESS likely to vaccinate their children than those with less education. After all, the price of non-conformity is huge, running the gamut from being vilified by other parents and health professionals to being kicked out of some pediatricians’ offices!!.  The fact is that delaying and or opting out of some vaccines can indeed be a safer alternative to maintaining good health.

It ‘s important to understand that vaccines are NEVER  100% protective because they usually provide only temporary, inferior immunity compared to what your body obtains, from naturally experiencing and recovering from, a disease. There are many who have suffered side effects, ongoing illness and death from vaccine. Let’s be real. The vaccine injured cannot be swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than “statistically acceptable collateral damage.” The national one-size-fits-all mass vaccination policies put way too many people at risk for injury and death. We must stop treating people like guinea pigs instead of human beings. For more information, I highly recommend going to the website of NVIC and become educated.   Your children are priceless!

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