Since the dawn of the “computer age “people have been sitting long periods of time in front of their computers.  It would seem this would be a good thing but in fact sitting too long can affect the body in many negative ways. As a chiropractor, I care for many patients whose problems stem from computer hours.

First and foremost, sitting too rigidly can cause blood clots which may travel to the brain causing strokes.

If anyone with heart failure is on the computer, fluid first backs up in the lungs and can cause breathing problems. Fluids retained in the legs during the day will move up into the neck at night and can contribute to obstructive sleep apnea .

Even the stomach is affected.  Enzymes in the blood vessels of the muscles which are responsible for burning fat get shut off with too much sitting and this can lead to obesity and colon cancer.

Of course, we already know a sedentary life style contributes to cardiovascular disease. Our legs need exercise to pump fluids.  Sitting for long periods of time collects fluid in the legs.

Finally, physical activity of the arms reduces the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure. Moving a mouse or tapping on a mouse pad does not qualify as enough activity!

My suggestion as a health care provider is to set a timer every 15 minutes or every half hour and remove yourself from the computer area to do some body movement for at least 15 min to ½ hr. Your body will greatly appreciate it and your life can improve too.

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