Dr. John Thie, the founder of Touch for Health, left a legacy of effective, safe and natural techniques using muscle testing or balancing, body awareness and goal setting.  These techniques can be easily learned by most anyone.  His son, Matthew Thie, carries the torch today and presented 23 ideas and simple applications for pain relief at the Touch for Health conference in Chicago.

Ten of these are included in the one day class I teach entitled THE TOP TEN PAIN RELEASERS complied by Arlene Green, faculty for Touch for Health.  Here is one of them.

ESR (Emotional Stress Relief):  Hold one hand over the pain and the other hand over your forehead.  The remember when you first had the pain.   Imagine if it keeps on or get worse or if it totally disappears as you hold these points.   Finally, imagine what the future outcome is for you when the stressor causing your upset is released.

I am available to teach the TOP TEN class and many others to groups.  If you are interested in sponsoring me in your area, please fill out the contact information on the appropriate page of this website.

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