A “first ever “happened recently on Dominica. The Discover Dominica Authority co-sponsored a workshop that Dr.  Janet Taylor of Quantum Leap brought to the island.

Touch for Health is an international education series of classes, teaching muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology ) a biofeedback mechanism that allows a person to upgrade body mechanics and performance. Muscle testing is an art and a science which allows energy and muscular imbalances to be found and corrected.

It also allows a way to find stress patterns in the system at structural, biochemical, emotional, and mental levels. Touch for Health helps people care for themselves, their family and friends.

The techniques are safe simple and easy to learn and use.  Mr. Larry Green is a certified health instructor and came to the Nature Isle(note the last name) to not only teach TFH, but certify body workers such as massage therapists, shiatsu practitioners  and nurses for their continuing education.

Dr. Taylor met him earlier in 2010 when she was able to fulfill her continuing education requirements for chiropractic by taking the workshop. She had taken the first Touch for Health class in 1987 and the review was exciting.

It was during this encounter that she introduced Mr. Green to the idea of teaching TFH on Dominica.  Together, they and Discover Dominica Authority, made it a reality. The workshop was held at a superb venue, Rainforest Shangri –La Resort /Spa located in Wotten Waven.

Participants in the workshop were from all walks of life confirming that TFH can be learned and used by most anyone. Pictured are the participants along with their backgrounds. Both Dr. Taylor and Mr. Green wish to thank DDA for their interest, support and trust.

Back row: Iris Orpaz (rental cottages owner); Jasmine Jackson (homemaker); Franki Forcinelli (alternative community); Petra Charles (Receptionist); Shanna Robbin (karate sensai); Larry Green (instructor); Dr. Janet Taylor (Chiropractor)

Middle row:  Robbi LaLonde (artist); Pam Forcinelli (mother); Cristy Griffith (college student); Jesse Thomas (nurse); June Allan (massage therapist); Susan Weeks (artist); Brenda St. Clair (mother)

Front row: Elysse Marcuccella (college student); Janet Shillingford (singer); Caryl Titre (chiropractic assistant)

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