The capitol city is buzzing with parents and children getting ready for a new school year.  Both uniforms and school supplies are the main agenda.  When I was a school teacher of the “Little People” in the U.S. (Kindergarten through third grade), I loved putting together lesson plans to include natural health, safety and environmental awareness. 

These three “biggies” were top priorities in life and the global community then and they still are today.  Each one commands a vast amount of study.  I am wondering if enough emphasis on these subjects is being taught in the educational system here on Dominica?

 Are young children learning how valuable their bodies are?  Do they respect themselves enough and/or do their parents also instill a mindfulness to get the proper amount of sleep, proper natural whole food nutrition, proper sanitation internally and externally, proper movement, and above all proper nerve supply to make it all happen?  Is the educational system teaching a deep caring for the environment, to sustain it, be good stewards of its resources and use it wisely for its natural herbal treasures?  Are school children supported in their birthright to be safe in the world and learn how to function safely within their family unit, home and community? 

These are normal questions and part and parcel of a healthy wholistic lifestyle for wellness.  Dominica is so special and holds so much potential.  Let’s not sell it short or waste it.  If you want a good overview of these three subjects before the school year is in full swing, I recommend that you bring your 2-8 year olds to KID’S DAY DOMINICA.  This is a totally free event, with all the fixings for fun, as well as valuable information on health, safety and environmental awareness.

Face painting, balloons, fire truck rides, child ID cards, food, door prizes and much more round out the afternoon.  Remember this day is for the “Little People” ages 2-8 years old.  These are the most important years to formulate a child’s understanding of who they are and how important they are to the world.  What a great way to start the school year!

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