So here’s  the deal.  I think it needs to be mandatory that every man, woman and child on Dominica attend the Christmas concert.  WHY?  Because of the overall positive, creative and uplifting spirit that pervades the event.  I am always struck by the diversity of talent showcased at the concert.  And, yes, I have attended every year that I have been here!

I never tire of it.  It is always different, entertaining and quite frankly BEAUTIFUL.  The amount of time practicing and backstage co-ordination are never mentioned but I know from my days of performing it is a huge time commitment.

Consequently, I was especially touched by the sentence on the program listed on the back page under special mention.  It reads, “we make special mention of:   the understanding families and friends of all performers.” Let each of us take this personally and bow our heads and open our hearts at the end of such a challenging year as 2011 to thank those family members and friends who have allowed us the time to “do our thing” whatever that may be.

Also as the end of this year approaches, why not take some time to look over your “performance” this year?  Do you need to “clean up your act?” by creating a more positive, healthier, loving performance for 2012?

If so, what are the action steps you can take to do so?  Write them down if need be. Seek the necessary information to change negative patterns by reading, researching the internet or seeing a professional trained in what you need.  Even one small change in your attitude can make a lasting impact on you, your community, Dominica and even the world.  Stop playing small!  Look up! Sing your song!  I guarantee others will join in and finally you will realize there is a Universal music of love, hope, peace and joy that is always playing.  We just need to step onto the state to join it!   Happy Holy Days, Dominica.  Peace on earth to men and women of good will.

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