DSC01488Avocado season is almost over here on Dominica. I’m feeling so blessed by the abundance off my tree. Being able to walk outside, extend a long pole “picker” and have avocados appear in my kitchen is very satisfying. There is so much nutritional goodness in this sensuously shaped veggie called a “pear” in Dominica. I must therefore, extol its riches.

In a single 3.5 oz. serving there are vitamin K, C, B5, B6, E and folate and potassium. More potassium than a banana I might add! Continuing with the avocado virtues: 160 calories, 2 grams protein, 15 grams of healthy fats — monounsaturated fatty acids to be exact which can lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Although there are 9 grams of carbs, 7 of these are fiber so only 2 are “net carbs”.

The avocado’s creamy texture allows it to be used many ways for dips, spreads, soups and mousse. In Dominica we blend it with almond, cashew or oat milk and add nutmeg and a bit of cane sugar. YUM! and a powerful healthy drink for our wellness lifestyle.

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